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Get an Account

To work on a remote HPC server you must have access to one.

MDI Basic Training is written for people at the University of Michigan, so some instructions in this section are specific to our Great Lakes server cluster.

Minor modifications would allow you to use any other Linux server in a similar fashion, at your institution, on a cloud server provider, etc.

Get a Great Lakes account

Please visit the UMich Advanced Research Computing (ARC) web site for information on getting a login and user account for Great Lakes.

This will establish your username on the server. You will eventually also need access to a Slurm account for charging your work, which we will cover in a later section.

In general, you need to be working as part of a research or other team with a principal investigator or project leader who will know how to get you the permissions you need.

Use the UMich VPN to gain network access

Access to Great Lakes server resources is only granted to computers on the UMich network. When you want to work from off-campus locations, you will need to get access the UMich network via the VPN. Please follow these instructions: