In this exercise you will learn how to use an MDI pipeline, specifically, the MDI demo pipeline in this tool suite:
STEP #1 - Install the MDI demo tool suite
First, create and switch to a directory where you would like to do this work. It could be anything, but we recommend ~/mdi-exercises.
Then, please follow these instructions to clone the repository and install the tool suite, being sure to follow Quick Start 1: suite-centric installation.
For this exercise, you only need to install Stage 1 Pipelines (not Stage 2 apps).
STEP #2 - Write a job configuration file
To run the demo pipeline, you need to create a job configuration file, with the instructions for what to do.
First, you need a place to store your job file. It should NOT be in the mdi-demo-tools folder, since you don’t want job files, or your pipeline output, to be part of the repository. We recommend creating folder ~/mdi-exercises/job-files.
Then, use the MDI’s template function to get a structure of the required job configuration file. Assuming you used the paths above, try:
cd ~/mdi-exercises/job-files
alias run-demo=~/mdi-exercises/demo-mdi-tools/run # for convenience...
run-demo demo template --help
run-demo demo template > exercise_1.yml
Then, edit the job file, changing _REQUIRED_ to real values.
nano exercise_1.yml
Start simple. As you get comfortable, read these instructions to increase the complexity of your job file:
STEP #3 - Run the demo pipeline synchronously
Let’s see if your job file works! First, let’s try a test run in the terminal window.
run-demo demo exercise_1.yml --dry-run
Notice that we set option –dry-run on the command line. This means the pipeline will only be tested, but not executed. Always do this first!
You may get an error message if you didn’t create your output directory, didn’t construct your job file correctly, etc.
'--output-dir' does not exist or is not a directory
You need to fix it until –dry-run displays a YAML format report of the action(s) the pipeline will take, with no reported errors.
pipeline: demo-mdi-tools/demo:v1.0.0
# content removed for brevity
image: oras://ghcr.io/MiDataInt/demo-mdi-tools/demo:v1.0
level: pipeline
Then, repeat the call above, omitting –dry-run so that the pipeline will execute fully. You will be asked to confirm download of the Singularity container that contains the software to run the pipeline. Say yes.
STEP #4 - Run the demo pipeline asynchronously
Because the demo pipeline is very simple, it was fine to run it on the login node. But let’s practice submitting it to the job scheduler.
run-demo submit --dry-run exercise_1.yml --account SLURM_ACCOUNT
Think about the report you are seeing, then repeat with –dry-run omitted to queue the jobs. For this to work, you will have to have a Slurm account that you provide to the submit command using the –account option. Use help commands to explore this, e.g.:
run-demo demo do --help
Use commands like the following to monitor your pipeline’s execution:
run-demo exercise_1.yml status
run-demo exercise_1.yml report
STEP #5 - Visualize your data in an MDI app
If you succeeded to this point, you should find a file like this:
ls -l ~/mdi-exercises/output/do/*.zip
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user 2769 Jun 2 11:57 /home/user/mdi-exercises/output/do/do.demo.do.mdi.package.zip
Please download that data package to your desktop or laptop computer. Then, upload it into the demo Stage 2 App you will find here:
- https://mdi-demo.wilsonte-umich.io/
- access key = mdi-demo
Play around in the app to see if it reflects your expectation of the demo pipeline and the job configuration file you wrote.