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Pipeline Shared Files

MDI Stage 1 Pipelines suites support three types of reusable code components that can be shared between all pipelines in the suite, which are defined in the <suite>/shared folder.

  • environments = yml config files that create conda environments for job execution
  • modules = script libraries that provide code for use by running pipelines
  • options = yml config files that expose option families for job configuration

In all cases, the components are effectively placed inline into the pipeline.yml file that configures a specific pipeline.

Private vs. shared components

Environments and options can be defined privately for a pipeline within its pipeline.yml file, used from the shared folder, or both. The framework first looks to see if a component is present in the shared folder and loads that configuration first. It then further looks to see if there are pipeline-specific definitions for the named component in pipeline.yml. If no shared component was found, the definition must exist in its entirety in pipeline.yml. If a shared component was found, any further definitions in pipeline.yml override the shared configuration.

Modules, by their nature, are encapsulated components that are always loaded from the ‘shared’ folder.

External components

Component sharing can extend beyond a single tool suite, such that pipeline.yml may also attempt to load an environment, module, or option family from a different tool suite, which must also be installed into the working MDI directory by setting suite_dependencies in the calling suite’s _config.yml file.

# _config.yml
    - <git_user>/<suite>

To use external components in pipeline.yml, prefix the component path with ‘<suite>//’, where <suite> is the name of the external suite from which to load the component.

# pipeline.yml
            - <suite>//shared-conda  
        module: <suite>//example/shared-module
            - <suite>//shared-options

The pipelines framework will only look for external component files in definitive suite repositories; we cannot assume that an end user will have an active fork of any given external repository.

Shared component versioning

Similar to pipelines, the version of a shared component is implicitly derived from the version of its parent suite, i.e., setting the version of a tool suite always yields the same, specific version of the component.

If your pipeline requires a specific version of an external tool suite (and therefore of its components), you may override the default version of latest at the pipeline level:

# pipeline.yml
pipeline: ...
suiteVersions: # must come before 'actions'
    suiteName: v0.0.0 # use this version of a suite invoked as 'suite//module', etc. [latest]
actions: ...

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