Advanced Genomics Core

Enabling access to genomic technologies


The mission of the Advanced Genomics Core (AGC) is to facilitate research in cutting-edge fields of genetics and genomics by implementing complex technologies. Chief among these is “next-generation” sequencing (NGS), which has revolutionized research in virtually all biological fields in the past decade. By housing NGS and companion genomic technologies in a single facility, we provide centralized expertise in advanced methods that enables all researchers to effectively exploit them for making scientific discoveries.

Dr. Wilson is the Faculty Director of the AGC. He provides oversight to create a vision for developing directions in this rapidly evolving field of technology and biology, working closely with the Managing Director, Dr. Olivia Koues, and other AGC staff who do all the heavy lifting and work with the many researchers who depend on the AGC and its services (include Dr. Wilson himself).

Learn more about the AGC