App Step Configuration
A first thing to do when developing your app is to plan and declare its appStep modules.
App step declaration in <app>/config.yml
The steps for your app are listed in its config.yml file, following the instructions found in the template file and this example:
# <app>/config.yml
<stepName>: # your name for the appStep
module: <moduleName> # expect moduleNameUI and moduleNameServer
shortLabel: ... # shown on dashboard menu
shortDescription: ... # shown on the Overview page
longLabel: ... # title for the appStep tabbed page
alwaysVisible: false # override step dependency chains
# module-specific options go here
<stepName>: # etc.
The template app’s _config.yml file has declarations for an initial app step sequence based on standardized modules that is common to many apps, with support for additional source file upload, sample assignments into groups, and asynchronous data analysis.
Step module default configuration in <appStep>/module.yml
An appStep module can also have standard declarations in its module.yml file. These act as defaults that can be overridden by an app, in addition to other declarations discussed below.
# <appStep>/module.yml
shortLabel: ...
shortDescription: ...
longLabel: ...
Due to declarations in module.yml, many times the appStep declarations in config.yml can be quite simple:
# <app>/config.yml
module: moduleName_1
Other declarations in <appStep>/module.yml
The other appStep-specific declarations in module.yml are types and sourceTypes, which establish step dependency chains as discussed in detail later.
Other declarations permitted in an appStep module.yml file are the same as other component configuration files, including packages and settings, discussed in detail later. Step-level settings should be activated in the UI and server functions below to be shown at the top on an appStep page.
appStep-specific structure of a module UI function
The following template shows how to declare an appStep UI function by:
- extending the Shiny module function declaration with additional arguments
- wrapping the appStep UI contents in the required
function, which constructs the appStep page structure
# <appStep>/<appStep>_ui.R
appStepUI <- function(id, options) {
ns <- NS(id) # the module's namespace
title, # title for the appStep page
leaderText, # regular text below the title, above the UI elements
xxInput(ns('id')) # UI elements for the appStep's tabbed page
# etc.
where the required arguments in addition to the standard module instance id are:
- options = the assembled step options as defined in module.yml and config.yml
See Header Links for information on how to add icon-based header links to your appStep header, after the title.
appStep-specific structure of a module server function
The following template shows how to declare an appStep server function by extending the Shiny module function declaration with additional arguments.
# <appStep>/<appStep>_server.R
appStepServer <- function(id, options, bookmark, locks) {
moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
# ...
# bookmark handling
# module return value as a list
where the required arguments in addition to the standard instance id are:
- options = the assembled step options as defined in module.yml and config.yml
- bookmark = a reactive carrying the contents of an incoming bookmark file
- locks = documentation pending (mainly used by MDI standardized app steps)
Additional important contents of the appStep module server are discussed next.