Progress Spinner
We try to keep motion in the MDI apps framework to a minimum, but a few animations are helpful for letting the user know the app has not hung and become unresponsive.
The page header has a small but nevertheless visible and important progress “spinner” that you can activate for tasks anticipated to take more than a hundred milliseconds or so.
Long running tasks are best be performed asyncrhonously. Thus, the spinner is appropriate for low to moderate task times.
Start, stop, and update the spinner
Three functions control the spinner’s visibility and, if desired, it’s associated state message:
# shiny/shared/global/utilities/ui.R
startSpinner <- function(session, caller = NULL, message = NULL)
updateSpinnerMessage <- function(session, message)
stopSpinner <- function(session, caller = NULL)
- session = the session object of the calling server environment
- caller = optionally, the name of the calling function, for the server log stream
- message = optionally, a short text message to show in the page header next to the spinner
Using the spinner is straightforward, e.g.:
# myModule_server.R
for(i in 1:100) updateSpinnerMessage(session, message = i)
For debugging, spinner start and stop events are written to the server log stream.