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MDI Apps Framework

The Michigan Data Interface (MDI) is a standardized framework for developing, installing and running HPC data analysis pipelines and interactive R Shiny visualization applications.

This is the documentation for the MDI apps framework, which provides support code for the development of MDI R Shiny apps. It describes the functions and structures defined by the framework that you can draw on to create robust apps more quickly, plus information for configuring an MDI web server installation.

Other important references

Information here will not repeat the descriptions of an MDI tool suite provided in the documentation for the mdi-suite-template - please read that first.

In addition, you can clone the mdi-apps-framework repository for examination alongside your own tool suite code. An experienced developer might find it helpful to look at the source code for a widget, etc.

If you need help understanding how to edit code or work with R Shiny modules, see the MDI Basic Training.

Contributing to the framework

If you are experienced at something not yet represented in the framework - e.g., a general purpose widget library or an optimized approach to data handling - please consider adding standardized code for others to use:

For more information about the MDI, please visit:

MDI Documentation MDI Basic Training MDI GitHub page