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The mdiDensityPlotBox widget creates a display box that supports plotting one or more superimposed data density distributions in various ways.

Understanding and comparing the value distributions of data series is a fundamental analysis task that can reveal many things about your data. These include the nature of a single distribution (normal, skewed, etc.) and how two data groups differ.

mdiDensityPlotBox options

The mdiDensityPlotBox function takes the following arguments in addition to ‘id’:

# staticPlotBox_ui.R
mdiDensityPlotBoxUI <- function(id, title, ...)


  • title = the title of the plot box

mdiDensityPlotBoxServer options

The mdiDensityPlotBoxServer function takes the following arguments in addition to ‘id’:

# staticPlotBox_server.R
mdiDensityPlotBoxServer <- function(
    defaultBinSize = 1,
    eventTypePlural = "Events",


  • data = a data.table with columns x and groupingCols, or a reactive that returns one
  • groupingCols = column(s) that define the groups to summarize as distinct distributions, or a reactive that returns one; can be NULL
  • xlab = x axis label, or a reactive that returns one
  • defaultBinSize = starting bin resolution on the X axis, subject to user override
  • eventTypePlural = name of the thing being counted for the plot title
  • = additional options passed to mdiXYPlot()

mdiDensityPlotBoxServer return value

The module returns, as is, the value from staticPlotBoxServer() for the staticPlotBox it generates.

Supplying data to the widget

The data.table provided to mdiDensityPlotBox must have an x columns, plus any columns provided as groupingCols that are used to define data groups. The widget will parse the data into left-justified bins on the X axis and determine either the count or frequency of events per group per X axis bin. The method ensures that all bins are represented for all groups, with zero values as needed, to ensure proper plotting.

Using the widget

First, place an instance of the mdiDensityPlotBox widget in your UI (only widget-related code is shown):

# <scriptName>_ui.R
    title = "My Title",
    # ...

Then activate the plot in the matching server:

# <scriptName>_server.R
myPlot <- mdiDensityPlotBoxServer(
    id = "id",
    data = myDataReactive,
    groupingCols = myColsReactive, # or a fixed set of column names
    xlab = "My X Label",
    defaultBinSize = 1,
    x0Line = TRUE # etc.

Additional references

For more detailed views of the module’s code, see: